Paper submission instructions
Submitting a paper to NOSSDAV 2004 involves 2 steps. You must complete both steps by their respective deadlines for your paper to be included in the review process. We are using the EDAS system to manage submissions to NOSSDAV 2004. If you don't already have an EDAS account, you will need to create one. You can do so by clicking on the paper registration link below.
Step #1: Register your paper
To register a paper, you'll need to supply the title, the author name(s), and the abstract. The actual paper itself should be uploaded separately per the instructions in step #2 below.
- The deadline for registering papers is 5 PM EST (10 PM UTC), February 23, 2004. This is a hard deadline and we will be unable to grant any extensions.
- To register a paper, click here. You may be asked to log in to EDAS. If you don't have an EDAS account, you should create one at this stage.
- Once you have successfully registered your paper, you should receive an email confirmation from "NOSSDAV 2004". Please save this email since it contains important instructions for the next step, viz. uploading your paper.
Step #2: Upload your paper
The second and final step is to upload the file containing your paper. Note that you can upload a paper only if you had previously registered it per step #1 above.
- The deadline for uploading your paper is 5 PM EST (10 PM UTC), March 1, 2004. This is a hard deadline and we will be unable to grant any extensions.
- Papers must be in either PostScript or PDF format. We cannot accept any other formats. It is your responsibility to make sure that your paper prints fine. Avoid using any non-standard fonts that may create problems in printing. If we are unable to print your paper as is, we will be unable to include it in the review process.
- The paper must be at most 6 pages in length on letter-sized paper (8.5"x11") and be set in a 10-point or larger font. Either single-column
or double-column format is acceptable. If you are using LaTeX for your document preparation, the "dvipdfm -p letter" command could be used to generate PDF suitable for letter-sized paper.
- The paper should not be anonymized. Please include the author names and affiliations on the first page. Also, please include all relevant references --- do not anonymize any of the references.
- To upload your paper, follow the instructions in the email that you should have received when you registered your paper. The email should contain instructions on how to upload your paper either via a web form or via FTP.
- The actual uploading of your paper might take some time depending on the size of the file and the speed of your connection. Once the process has completed, you should received a confirmation email from "NOSSDAV 2004". Please save this email for future reference.
- The above email also includes instructions on updating your paper (i.e., uploading a newer version of the file). You may upload as many updates as you want until the deadline. We strongly urge you to not to wait until the last minute to upload your paper to avoid problems due to server congestion.
If you need further clarification, please send email to